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Human-First AI

AI that works for you– and with you

Not all AI is the same. Set-it-and-forget-it solutions can cost you—missing up to 33% more leads. Tourus’s AI works with, not against, your team to boost efficiency, visibility, and the renter experience.
Manual + AI_No Shadow


AI that goes beyond the the autoresponse and first inquiry

Respond to every lead, screen and capture critical criteria, schedule and nurture—and ensure no opportunity is ever missed.

  • Respond to all inquiries, regardless of source
  • Turn AI on when you need it, and off when you don't
  • Qualify, engage and schedule
  • Autocreate guestcards from text conversations

AI built for how work is done

A poor AI experience can lead to additional work for your team, no-shows for tours, lost leads – and lost revenue. Tourus knows people are the heart of the property industry, which is why our AI is built to be your true co-pilot and maintain the high standards you have for engaging with prospects.

AI Controls

When you're ready to take over, easily turn AI off and jump in.


Maintain Visibility

AI responses are visible in the same thread as your responses.

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Office Hours

Only need AI help when the office is closed? Let us take over after hours.

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Prioritize Personalization

Our AI learns about your prospects and keeps conversations personalized, customized to your property's needs.


Check-In Reminders

Nurturing is hard, so our AI reminds you to follow up and check in when conversations are petering out.


Automated Scheduling

Conversational AI to schedule based on your availability.


AI for your property's needs

Let your prospects communicate the way they want to

With Tourus, automatically respond to and engage with all leads, regardless of source:

  • ILS inquiries
  • Text messages
  • Respond to calls with automated texts

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Looking for a co-pilot?

Whether you've tried an AI solution that didn't work for you or are considering incorporating AI into your processes, Tourus provides the experience you've been looking for.